How difficult is this Under-Glow kit to install DIY?

I'm pretty handy with tools. Curious to know the level of difficulty involved in installing this under-glow led light kit to my fifth wheel trailer.


The majority of our sales are for DIY installations; so it’s not that difficult to do the install yourself. That said, a basic understanding of 12 vdc power is required. So if you're unfamiliar with electricity and electrical wiring, we suggest getting someone who is to assist you with that component of the installation. It helps too if you’re handy with tools. We have a lot of helpful information on our website to assist customers with understanding what's involved. You can for example download all of our installation manuals and wiring diagrams for our lighting kits before you buy. Doing so gives you an opportunity to assess the level of difficulty in advance of making your purchase decision. Also, our lighting kits have an INSTALLATION tab (or INSTALLATION TIPS tab) which provides significant detail for installing that product. In addition, you can find all of our installation documentation - including wiring diagrams, how to guides, trouble shooting information, installation manuals - for our lighting kits online. To access this information at the product level simply click on the 'INSTALL RESOURCES' button which appears at the top of the product page. When you click that button, the available online resources and links for that product will pop-up. You can make your selection from that list. See screen shots below of what we're referring to.

In addition, we offer a wealth of installation and operating instruction information site wide in our INSTALLATION RESOURCES section for all products. Plus, we have some great HOW-TO VIDEOS available where we walk you through a variety of installation scenarios for a wide selection of products. And, if you encounter difficulties, we also offer an extensive TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE online.

If you'd rather have a dealer do the work take a look at our DEALER LOCATOR to see if there's a Boogey Lights dealer/installer near you. If one isn't listed nearby most any dealer or independent service company can/will install our lights. We also offer installation services at our facility in Florence, KY. To get an idea of what we would charge for installation (may be similar for local shops but the hourly rate will vary), take a look at our INSTALLATION SERVICES GUIDE.

HOW-TO-VIDEO: In this video we walk you through the installation of an RGB Multi-Color Under-Glow LED Light kit on a new 2020 travel trailer. In this particular installation we also installed an awning light for the customer as well.